Masterpiece movie becomes highlight of Pyryatynska AH

Almost every amalgamated hromada of the Poltava Oblast is looking for its peculiarities and promoting them. An original tradition was launched last year in the Pyryatynska AH on the initiative of hromada head Oleksiy Ryabokon. From now on, in summer they host a thematic carnival dedicated to the well-known comedy movie “The Queen of the Gas Station”.

The movie shooting took place here more than half a century ago, and the brick water tower became the symbol of the film, as well as Pyryatyn city.

It was from the tower that this year's event began – the festive procession passed through the city to a specially equipped lawn in a residential area. Competitions, entertainments and attractions took place under the accompaniment of melodies of the 60s.

The main actors looked like the movie characters.

The holiday ended in an open-air cinema, where the “The Queen of the Gas Station” movie was projected.

“The brand of the hromada is what makes it well-known. AH promotion does not always require a lot of money. There should be just some creativity applied. It was successfully demonstrated by the Pyriatyn residents,” said Yuriy Isayev, communications adviser at the Poltava Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.



culture tourism Kultura krashchi praktyky


Полтавська область


Пирятинська територіальна громада


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