“Safety Guards” COMPETITION for hromadas and activists

Enlistment for the second training of the “Safety Guards” programme for hromadas and activists, that will take place on 28-29 June, has started.

Participants of the programme, organised by the NGO “Pobratymy” and the “Firefighters-Volunteers” project, will receive comprehensive support for improving hromadas’ safety and formation of a new safety culture.

The “Firefighters-Volunteers” project is a voluntary initiative aimed at building a fire safety culture in cities and supporting volunteer teams that will respond promptly to fire hazards on the ground. “Firefighters-Volunteers” can be doctors, teachers, financiers, private entrepreneurs, mechanics and other citizens, who have decided to contribute to safety of their hromada, therefore, the people, who are ready to put aside all their affairs at the time of the call to save someone's life.

Participation in the “Safety Guards” programme envisages mentoring for the establishment of fire brigades in hromadas, support in writing grant applications, as well as supporting and promoting the team's image at the national level.

Participation in the programme is free of charge, organisers cover all expenses.

Deadline for applications’ submission – 15th June.

You can apply for participation on the website: http://dobrovoltsi.tilda.ws/

Please follow the news on Facebook page.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


05.06.2018 - 09:11 | Views: 14511
“Safety Guards” COMPETITION for hromadas and activists


announcement safety volunteers


Проект «Добровольці-вогнеборці»

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