COMPETITION for funding short-term gender initiatives

In the framework of the Partnership for Local Economic Development and Democratic Governance (PLEDDG) international technical assistance project, the Association of Ukrainian Cities has announced a call for applications from the city councils which are AUC members to receive funding for short-term initiatives promoting the participation of women in local economic development.

The main objective of the competition is to support the involvement of women in local economic development through the implementation of short-term initiatives in the cities which are AUC members in the form of cooperation between local self-government bodies and non-government organisations and/or business. These initiatives shall be aimed to achieve tangible results regarding the enhanced engagement of women in the economic life of hromadas and/or in the decision-making process at the local level.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

31.05.2018 - 14:58 | Views: 12104
COMPETITION for funding short-term gender initiatives


competition hender


Асоціація міст України

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