Government supported 477 regional development projects for UAH 4 billion to be financed by SFRD in 2018, - Hennadii Zubko

We approved the first list of investment programmes and regional development projects that will be financed by the State Fund for Regional Development in 2018. At present, 477 projects have been approved for a total amount of over UAH 4 billion, said Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, commenting on the adoption of the relevant draft resolution.

"These funds from the SFRD will be directed to the construction of kindergartens, schools, healthcare facilities, development of sports infrastructure, restoration of bridge and road infrastructure, water supply and sewage facilities, thermo-modernisation, etc. in the regions. Most of the projects will be completed in 2018," emphasised Hennadii Zubko.

80 educational facilities (schools, kindergartens) in the amount of UAH 1.3 billion, 95 healthcare and social protection facilities for a sum of UAH 804 million, 78 sports facilities – UAH 740 million, 36 water supply and sewage facilities – UAH 200 million, 25 road transport infrastructure facilities – UAH 334 million, 26 cultural facilities – UAH 397 million, will be implemented in the regions at the expense of the SFRD.

The draft resolution on financing from the SFRD includes projects submitted for consideration by the Vinnytsia, Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zhytomyr, Zakarpattia, Zaporizhzhya, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Kirovohrad, Luhansk, Lviv, Mykolayiv, Odesa, Poltava, Rivne, Sumy, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Kherson, Khmelnytskyi, Cherkasy, Chernivtsi, Chernihiv Oblast and Kyiv City State Administrations.

It is worth mentioning that the total amount of financing from the SFRD in 2018 is UAH 6 billion.

23.05.2018 - 13:08 | Views: 17944
Government supported 477 regional development projects for UAH 4 billion to be financed by SFRD in 2018, - Hennadii Zubko


budget H.Zubko SFRD


Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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