Boratynska hromada designed its logo

It was presented in the premises of the village council of the Boratyn village. The brand was created for AH by the Brandville team – a social project of the Logogo design studio, aimed at improving the visual image of Ukrainian villages. The project is free. It was organised as part of the support of active Ukrainian hromadas of Ukraine. The team announces the competition and the winners are chosed by the designers.

The hromada head Serhiy Yaruchyk remarked that they are pleased to see Oleksandra and Taras, friends of the Boratynska AH, who created hromada’s brand. According to him, during the logo design they made AH residents active.

"They heard us, and for the first time created a logo of the AH, and not just one locality, as usual. This event is a historical moment for us. Probably, we will live with a new brand since today. We will need to promote it for our village, our hromada to be associated with this brand. We hope that it will be another small step forward for our AH," said Serhiy Yaruchyk.

After all the analysis, the Brandville participants realised that the person – the face of the hromada – should be in the centre of the logo. Boratyn was determined, roughly speaking, as the AH capital, therefore the name of the village was put into the title. And the subname is the power of amalgamated hromadas. That is, Boratyn is the power of amalgamated hromadas.

According to Taras, it was decided to use three colors in the logo, because of three directions.

In addition, the designers wanted to show the dynamics and progress in the logo, so they portrayed them as three colored arrows, or three branches of the hromada. They were slightly modified and designed three people, leaving from one point. These people stand together and unite, develop. Then the designers saw that this logo resembles the crown – bodacity of the hromada.

"This sign is simple. As they say, if a child can quickly draw it, then the logo is a success. Various ornaments can be made on its basis and used anywhere," said Taras.

"I believe that the logo will live and bring new victories. It is an opportunity to talk about ourselves and state that we are one step ahead," concluded the deputy and idea promoter Anatoliy Levchuk.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

21.05.2018 - 11:09 | Views: 9530
Boratynska hromada designed its logo


Волинська область


Боратинська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Боратинська територіальна громада


"Район. Луцьк"

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