Buhrynska AH launched pellet line to save gas and earn money

The Buhrynska rural amalgamated hromada in the Rivne Oblast opened its own line for the production of fuel pellets and briquettes.

The total cost of the project is UAH 4 million: co-financing from the State Fund of Regional Development amounts to UAH 3.6 million, while UAH 400 thousand are allocated from the AH budget. The claimed period of operation of the line without major repairs makes up 8 years. Investments are to be paid off in 5 years.

"It is very important for hromadas to understand that the focus is on development projects. Replacement of windows and roofs is necessary, yet hromada-based production will provide much more benefits. Today, the LGDC experts are ready to provide AHs of the oblast with a comprehensive support: from the idea and preparation of documents to launch of the facility. And there are good ideas, as, for example, berry cultivation in the northern rayons of the oblast," says Ruslan Syvyi, director of the Rivne LGDC.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




Рівненська область


Бугринська територіальна громада


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