Ongoing competition for participation in "Cultural Leadership Academy" training programme for representatives of AHs and small towns

The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, together with the Goethe-Institut in Ukraine, announce an open competition for participation in training programmes for top managers of the cultural sector for AHs and small towns of Ukraine.

1. Programme background

Decentralisation processes open up many opportunities for the development of small towns, villages and settlement hromadas. The effectiveness of hromada development depends on the critical, well-informed and motivated "agents of change" in the newly formed AHs.

Competent management of cultural resources and the efficient involvement of human potential in the processes of sustainable hromada development can significantly increase the added value of the territory, become the basis of the hromada’s valuable and economic foundations.

2. The goal of the Cultural Leadership Academy programme is to improve the skills of local leaders in the field of culture, interested business representatives, civil society and youth, who seek to work in the local self-government bodies within the cultural and creative sector using modern mechanisms and experience of the best EU practices.

3. Course duration: from May 2018 till May 2019.

4. The topics of the training modules include the following areas:

Module 1: Social changes and the role of cultural work

Module 2: Cultural management 1: strategy development

Module 3: Cultural management 2: operational implementation

Module 4: Current topics of cultural development

Module 5: Completion, feedback and certification

The result of the training should be elaboration of a programme for the development of cultural policy and cultural sector in your town/AH.

In case of fulfillment of all requirements of training and successful presentation of the development programme each participant of the Academy will receive a certificate from the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine.

Participation in the Academy is free of charge (expenses for accommodation and meals are covered by the project organisers).

ATTENTION! Payment of transport costs is at the expense of the sending organisation (or the participants themselves)

For more information, please contact the organisers at the e-mail

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

25.04.2018 - 10:30 | Views: 14850
Ongoing competition for participation in "Cultural Leadership Academy" training programme for representatives of AHs and small towns

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Міністерство культури

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