How to prepare projects for infrastructure development of amalgamated hromadas: methodical recommendations

The Council of Europe in cooperation with the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine published the methodical recommendations on developing projects for receiving state subvention for infrastructural development of amalgamated hromadas.

Methodical recommendations have been developed to assist amalgamated hromadas (hereinafter – AHs) in obtaining a subvention from the state budget of Ukraine, the main administrator of which is the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine.

The issue features:

  • Regulatory and legal provision of subvention allocation;
  • Directions;
  • Substantive orientation of projects;
  • Formation and approval of lists of projects and project applications to them;
  • Form of the project application and instructions for its filling-in;
  • Compilation of information on the use of subvention funds.

Methodical recommendations are available at the link.

You can also get a printed version of recommendations – please, contact us at the addresses ,


24.04.2018 - 13:40 | Views: 24013
How to prepare projects for infrastructure development of amalgamated hromadas: methodical recommendations

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budget infrastructure subvention


Програма Ради Європи «Децентралізація і територіальна консолідація в Україні»

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