Sumy Oblast prepares for launch of Sumy Regional Media Contest of journalist reports on decentralisation

The Sumy Oblast prepares for the launch of the Sumy Oblast Media Contest in accordance with the methodology of the All-Ukrainian competition, introduced by MinRegion in cooperation with the Council of Europe.

The public discussion of the project is on.

The mission of the Contest is to promote democratic change in Ukraine through raising awareness and commitment of the population to the processes of the reform of local self-government and decentralisation of power. The launch of competition will create a democratic and sustainable mechanism of social and political order for highlighting of local achievements in the media.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

23.04.2018 - 15:44 | Views: 8742

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Сумська область


Програма Ради Європи «Децентралізація і територіальна консолідація в Україні»

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