Sport and culture: new projects of Baltska AH

Large-scale works on two facilities began in the Baltska urban amalgamated hromada in the north of the Odesa Oblast.

According to the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion of Ukraine, a sports complex is being built in Balta. The frame for concrete foundation is already installed, and it is being currently filled.

The building designed for 250 sports school students will have a large sports hall for practicing different kinds of sports, two tennis courts, lockers and showers. It is also planned to arrange landscaping of an adjacent area and build several sports grounds.

The total cost of the construction project exceeds UAH 29 million (funds of both local and oblast budgets, allocated on a co-financing basis).

In addition, the city's cinema building will be soon restored, with UAH 4.5 million already allocated from the oblast budget. The previously abandoned building will become not only a modern cinema, but will be also a concert and exhibition ground for the AH.

It should be noted that the Baltska AH with its centre in Balta city of oblast significance was formed in 2015, it includes 28 settlements with more than 30 thousand people.


18.04.2018 - 07:33 | Views: 9333
Sport and culture: new projects of Baltska AH


Одеська область


Балтська міська об’єднана територіальна громада


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