Brand of Baranivska AH: from porcelain to organic products and tourism

On 12 April, a team of journalists from Zhytomyr visited the Baranivska amalgamated hromadas in the framework of the press tour "The Hromada Brand – A Prospect of Territories Development", organised by the Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre, established by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.

The Baranivska AH managed to achieve significant progress in modernising social infrastructure and developing local economy over three years. These successes and experience of their achievement were shown to the guests by the hromada team.

The journalists got acquainted not only with key achievements in AH projects, but also with development plans and enterprises.

In addition, they visited the museum of folk life "Polissya Khata" in the village of Polyanky. This facility, along with a number of other museums and monuments in the AH, will be the basis for the development of tourism and infrastructure in the hromada.

In addition, the projects being prepared in the framework of implementation of the Development Strategy, envisage indicators of success, in particular, attraction of at least 2 thousand tourists each year.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


13.04.2018 - 10:33 | Views: 12882
Brand of Baranivska AH: from porcelain to organic products and tourism


Житомирська область


Баранівська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Баранівська територіальна громада



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