Mykolayivska rural AH builds roads in Sumy Oblast and plans to recycle garbage

The Mykolayivska AH of the Sumy Rayon in the Sumy Oblast has amalgamated five village councils, with a total population of about 5 thousand inhabitants. The hromada, as well as many others, began its work from establishing its structure and streamlining social institutions received from the rayon councils.
The AH has got all powers in its territory, including management of educational, healthcare and cultural sectors. In addition, all the infrastructure and land within the AH boundaries, and soon afterwards – the land outside settlements belonging to the hromada, were transferred to the AH ownership. Therefore, the hromada can use this property for the benefit of all its residents by modernising and improving it.
Own revenues in 2017 amounted to more than UAH 19 million. In total, the budget made up UAH 32.9 million. The AH received UAH 5.3 million of educational subvention, UAH 1.9 million of healthcare subvention, and UAH 3.5 million of subvention for infrastructure development.
The expenditures made up 90.9% to the approved annual plan – UAH 32.7 million.
Cooperation with neighbours
The Mykolayivska AH actively cooperates with two of its neighbours. In particular, it plans to hire a labour inspector by concluding an agreement jointly with the Khotynska AH. Besides, Mykolayivka plans to implement a joint ambitious project with the Stepanivska AH – construct a waste processing plant.
The newly established communal institution Central outpatient clinic of general practice of family medicine is in charge of two outpatient clinics, one rural health post and three paramedic stations. There are seven cultural centres and six libraries in the hromada. The educational sector is represented by the Department of Education, Youth and Sports with 8 employees, and four educational institutions. At the expense of the SFRD, the hromada has implemented about 20 mini-projects: from wells to roads.
Territory development
The hromada has already developed projects for the SFRD: major repairs to the Mykolayivla outpatient clinic and procurement of equipment for the communal enterprise "Hospodar", which will provide services to neighbouring village councils.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Сумська область


Миколаївська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Миколаївська територіальна громада


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