Journalists of Chernihiv Oblast will compete in highlighting decentralisation processes

On 28 March, the Chernihiv Oblast Council decided to establish an Award to mark the winners of the oblast competition of journalistic reports on the topic of reforming local self-government and territorial organisation of power. The relevant information is also published on the website of the Chernihiv Oblast State Administration.

The purpose of the contest is to promote democratic changes in Ukraine through raising awareness of the Chernigiv Oblast population about the results and achievements of the local self-government reform, decentralisation of power and hromadas’ development in the oblast, as well as popularisation of the best practices of local self-government.

The competition will be held annually and announced by the relevant instruction of the head of the Chernihiv Oblast Council no later than 1 June of the current year. Journalists will be able to submit their materials to the competition committee by 30 September, that will select the winners within a month.

Media specialists will compete in four genre nominations: online publication; publication in printed media; radio material, video material, TV programme and video report.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

29.03.2018 - 13:31 | Views: 8753
Journalists of Chernihiv Oblast will compete in highlighting decentralisation processes




Чернігівська область


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