Amalgamated hromadas are best prepared for work of recreational children’s camps in Odesa Oblast

The work of amalgamated hromadas in preparation of summer recreational children’s camps was recognised at the Odesa Oblast State Administration.

According to the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, with reference to the OSA’s information, in summer, 566 children’s camps will operate in the oblast on the basis of the general and out-of-school educational institutions. More than 71 thousand children will be able to rest there during their holidays. Last year, there were 518 recreational facilities in the region.

As Oleksandr Tereshchuk, first deputy head of the Odesa Oblast State Administration, noted, amalgamated hromadas are best prepared for summer holidays in the oblast, namely the Novokalchevska, Rozkvitivska and Krasnosilska AHs. They plan to attract the largest number of schoolchildren in children’s camps. Interestingly enough, the recreational camps will focus on foreign languages’ learning, will involve foreign language tutors, students, as well as volunteers from Europe and the United States.

06.03.2018 - 08:04 | Views: 8374
Amalgamated hromadas are best prepared for work of recreational children’s camps in Odesa Oblast


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