Educational programme on youth policy management to start operating in Ukraine

A unique educational programme “Public Administration in the Field of Youth Policy” on training of experts for effective work with the youth in their hromadas is launched in Ukraine.

An official presentation of this project implemented by the NGO “Educational and Analytical Centre for the Development of Hromadas” together with the Ternopil National Economic University, Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada Committee on Family, Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, took place at Ukrinform.

“When we talk about the future, we talk about young people, young generation. And we are very pleased to work together to strengthen the role of youth in hromada life. We want young people to return from their educational institutions, universities, vocational schools back to their amalgamated hromadas, assume responsibility not only for their private life, but also for the social life of the hromada, so that they actively participate in transformation of hromada life for the better,” said Astrid Kohl, representative of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, during the presentation.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

05.03.2018 - 15:50 | Views: 7292
Educational programme on youth policy management to start operating in Ukraine



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