Krupetska AH creates interactive maps for all areas of economy

The Krupetska amalgamated hromada together with the Department of Urban Development, Architecture, Housing, Communal Services and Infrastructure of the Radyvyliv Rayon State Administration of the Rivne Oblast started a project for the production of the AH digital map.

According to the Rivne Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, such work direction on this scale was launched for the first time among amalgamated hromadas of the oblast.

As Vitaliy Moshkun, head of the Krupetska AH, noted, the work result is presented on the official website of the Krupetska hromada in the “Hromada map” heading. And in future it is planned to create interactive maps in the sphere of urban planning, housing, communal services and infrastructure, streamlining of information on address numbers, preparation of material for spatial planning and AH resource management.

Maps can be viewed on mobile devices offline without an Internet connection. To do this, MAPS.ME application has to be installed, which is available for free download from Play Market.Therefore, such a map becomes accessible and user-friendly at any time.

02.03.2018 - 14:39 | Views: 12616
Krupetska AH creates interactive maps for all areas of economy


Рівненська область


Крупецька сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Крупецька територіальна громада


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