The Myropilska rural amalgamated hromada has been existing for a year. After the elections in December 2016, three neighbouring village councils of Sinne, Mala Rybytsia and Zapsillya amalgamated with Myropillya. In total, 10 settlements and about 5 thousand residents decided to unite efforts in order to gain autonomy and formulate their own budget on their own.
“It is already clear that, due to the process of decentralisation, the Myropilska AH has received more powers and financial capabilities,” says Olena Ordynets, head of the hromada. People have finally felt the positive changes and self-sufficiency, and they do not want to give it back. In addition to its own funds, the hromada is looking for supplementary sources of funding, relying not only on its budget, but also on the state aid, in particular on state budget subventions for infrastructure development and funds of the State Fund for Regional Development.
The Myropilska AH takes care of 7 educational institutions. There are 9 community clubs and 7 libraries in the hromada. In 2017, the Myropillya community club No 1 was repaired, community club No 2 was reconstructed, old windows were replaced with metal-plastic ones in the library of the Myropillya village.
14 working places were specially created to carry out landscaping of the settlements.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Сумська областьГромади:
Миропільська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Миропільська територіальна громадаSource:
Сайт Сумської ОДА
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