Social services became closer to population in one of villages of Zymnivska AH

A social security sector was opened in the village of Lyotnyche that belongs to the Zymnivska AH, as reported by the Volyn Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion of Ukraine.

Implementation of this project became possible due to the Ministry of Social Policy and the World Bank.

The Zymnivska AH became the first amalgamated hromada in the Volyn Oblast with a similar pilot project implemented. Thus, the social security sector located not in the central settlement, but in the building of the starosta office in the village of Lyotnyche, received office equipment for several workplaces.

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27.02.2018 - 08:25 | Views: 11103
Social services became closer to population in one of villages of Zymnivska AH


social services


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