TENDER for events’ organisation and transport services

SKL International invites to join the tender in the following areas:

Lot 1: Services on organisation of events and business trips, including, but not limited to the organisation and coordination of conferences, catering, accommodation, travel documents, daily allowance. The contract value limit is EUR 400 thousand for the period from 2018 till 2020.

Details by the link: https://goo.gl/uFn25M

Lot 2: Transport services, which include the organisation of transportation by car, minibus or bus all over Ukraine. The contract value limit is EUR 100 thousand for the period from 2018 till 2020.

Details by the link: https://goo.gl/9SRZjt


27.02.2018 - 09:00 | Views: 10513
TENDER for events’ organisation and transport services




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