Press announcement! Open House Day to be held on 26 February at Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre

On 26 February, Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, will hold an Open House Day – a meeting with partners, representatives of the public, regional authorities on decentralisation and prospects of local self-government reform in the Vinnytsia Oblast.

During the event, an overview of the achievements of the Centre in local self-government reform implementation in AHs of the Vinnytsia Oblast, successful hromada practices, as well as the story of cooperation with partner organisations, will be presented. The programme of the event envisages discussion on decentralisation in Ukraine, exchange of opinions, expert answers to questions of the media and free communication of guests over coffee.

Start at 10 AM

Address: 20, Teatralna street, 1st floor, Vinnytsia


22.02.2018 - 17:20 | Views: 12938
Press announcement! Open House Day to be held on 26 February at Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre




Вінницька область


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