Parents receive UAH 5 thousand at birth of their child in Plyskivska AH

The first elections in the Plyskivska rural amalgamated hromada took place in October 2017. It consists of five settlements with almost three thousand residents, including 130 preschoolers and 179 schoolchildren.

It is clear that for each hromada it is important to increase the birth rate and support young families. That is why, at the beginning of their activities, the deputies of the newly formed AH supported the initiative of the AH head Maryna Virko and approved the programme “Financial support at the birth of a child”.

Now, the family with a newborn child receives financial assistance from the hromada budget in the amount of UAH 5 thousand. The main condition is that the family must live in the hromada.

The Dolynskyi family, whose daughter was born in February, was the first to receive UAH 5 thousand.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Чернігівська область


Плисківська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Плисківська територіальна громада


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