Benefits of amalgamated hromadas are evident, - Oleksiy Mulyarenko, head of Rivne Oblast State Administration

All amalgamated hromadas of the Rivne Oblast accomplished 2017 with substantial financial indicators. The interview with Oleksiy Mulyarenko, head of the Rivne Oblast State Administration, features the prospects of this year.

Mr Mulyarenko, what was last year like for the Rivne Oblast in terms of decentralisation?

28 AHs were formed in the oblast with three of them expecting elections in late April.

As far as results are concerned, due to financial decentralisation, local budgets' own revenues grew by almost 1.5 times, and, taking into account the corresponding transfers from the state budget, the total financial budget funds of AHs increased by 3-5 times.

What can be expected in 2018?

2018 should be extremely fruitful. There is a real resource to implement programmes and a large number of tools, in addition to subventions, including the oblast budget, energy efficiency fund, road fund, State Fund for Regional Development, certain programmes for the construction of outpatient clinics and rural health posts ...

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

13.02.2018 - 13:56 | Views: 11766
Benefits of amalgamated hromadas are evident, - Oleksiy Mulyarenko, head of Rivne Oblast State Administration


Рівненська область


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