Open offices were created for citizens in Lymanska AH of Odesa Oblast

Open offices were created for citizens in the Lymanska AH of the Tatarbunary Rayon of the Odesa Oblast. For this purpose, repairs were carried out in the village culture club and administrative building, and now the citizens are serviced only on the first floors, within comfortable conditions, as reported by the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.

Vasyl Reznychenko, head of the hromada, said that the renovated premises host a social service, children's service centre, housing and communal services department, land management service, and a cultural sector.

“We are getting closer to people, and these are just the first steps. I am grateful for the support of our deputies, entrepreneurs and farmers. I hope that further work will be constructive and useful for the hromada,” said the village head.

It is worth mentioning that the first elections took place in the Lymanska AH on 29 October 2017. In addition to this hromada, another one – the Tuzlivska AH, which amalgamated in 2015 – was established on the territory of the Tatarbunary Rayon.

12.02.2018 - 09:37 | Views: 9048
Open offices were created for citizens in Lymanska AH of Odesa Oblast

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Одеська область


Лиманська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Лиманська територіальна громада


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