Austrian experience is useful for development of regions and decentralisation in Ukraine – Hennadii Zubko

The experience of Austria and more profound cooperation between our countries open up new opportunities for the regional development and implementation of decentralisation in Ukraine, emphasised Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services, commenting on the meeting between President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and Federal Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurz in Vienna.

"Intensification of Ukrainian-Austrian cooperation opens new opportunities for the regional development and implementation of decentralisation in Ukraine. Austrian experience in identifying and developing priority economic sectors for each federal land and improving the competitive potential of land is of interest to us. The introduction of such Austrian approaches in Ukraine will increase the regional competitiveness index,” notes Hennadii Zubko.

He also stressed that practical experience of Austria in shaping the policy of development of mountainous and highland territories, in particular, social infrastructure development and stimulation of industry and entrepreneurship, is useful for Ukraine.

“In addition, we will intensify cooperation within the framework of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, which is an example of a coordinated approach to the development of a large macro-region. Ukraine’s participation in its implementation opens up new opportunities for cooperation with the countries participating in the Strategy, namely with Austria. This issue was discussed at the meeting with Federal Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurz within the framework of the visit of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko,” wrote Hennadii Zubko.

09.02.2018 - 10:03 | Views: 11149
Austrian experience is useful for development of regions and decentralisation in Ukraine – Hennadii Zubko


H.Zubko mountainous areas regional development



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