Decentralisation in Chernihiv Oblast was discussed on Suspilne TV

On 6 February, the “Topic of the Day” Programme on Suspilne (Public) TV featured the discussion on hromadas that made their choice 100 days ago. Iryna Kudryk, director of the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, was the guest of the studio.

The talk concerned the decentralisation reform in the Chernihiv Oblast, achievements of hromadas over their first 100 days of work, principle of amalgamation, and uniqueness of the Chernihiv Oblast. Particular attention was also paid to the issues of accession to already existing hromadas and acceleration of the pace of  the reform.

During the live broadcast there was direct switching from the Holmynskaya, Lyubetska and Tupychivska hromadas.

More details – in the video:




Чернігівська область


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