Medium-term budget planning at state and local levels, - benefits explained by expert

Last week the Government approved the draft law “On introduction of changes to the Budget Code of Ukraine”, adoption of which will provide legal foundation for implementation of medium-term budget planning in Ukraine on a permanent basis and at all levels of the budget system. Introduction of the medium-term budget planning is foreseen by the Medium-Term Action Plan of the Government up to 2020, Strategy for Reforming the Public Finance Management System over 2017-2020, and is one of the priority areas for the Government and the Ministry of Finance.

Halyna Markovych, local budget coordinator of the Sectoral Decentralisation Project Office, noted in her comments to that the state budget for 2018 was formed as a pilot project, based on the provisions of the main directions of the fiscal policy for 2018-2020, first developed in the midterm, and is a key element of medium-term planning.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

06.02.2018 - 14:53 | Views: 21302
Medium-term budget planning at state and local levels, - benefits explained by expert


budget H.Markovych


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