AH commented on decision to transfer land outside villages to hromadas’ ownership

The transfer of land outside settlements is essential for amalgamated hromadas, since the State Land Cadastre Centre will no longer be able to dispose of this land unilaterally, without the consent of the AH. Therefore, Bohdan Yuzvyak, head of the Novokalynivska AH, commented on the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On transfer of state-owned agricultural land plots to communal ownership of amalgamated hromadas”, as reported by the Reform Office of the Lviv Regional Branch of the Association of Ukrainian Cities.

According to Bohdan Yuzvyak, the governmental order is important for several reasons.

First of all, it will allow AH to control the proceeds from payment of lease of the land outside the settlement and land tax from it. “This will encourage land users to use land efficiently and pay taxes in a timely manner. And in case of non-payment, AH will raise a question to the State Land Cadastre Centre on the termination of contracts with dishonest land users or lease holders,” said the head of Novokalynivska AH.

Secondly, from now on AHs will be able to develop general plans of their whole territory, and not only individual settlements.

Thirdly, raider attacks on land that could still take place will become impossible.

Fourthly, it will affect the AH economic development.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

02.02.2018 - 14:25 | Views: 14890
AH commented on decision to transfer land outside villages to hromadas’ ownership




Львівська область


Новокалинівська міська об’єднана територіальна громада



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