ANNOUNCEMENT! Forum “Session of AH club. Planning of activities for 2018” to be held on 24 January in Vinnytsya

The forum “Session of the AH club. Planning of activities for 2018” for the representatives of local self-govenments and amalgamated hromadas of the Vinnytsya Oblast will be held in Vinnitsya on 24 January.

The event is organised by the Vinnytsya Local Government Development Centre and Association of Local Self-Government Bodies of the Vinnytsya Oblast. The heads of the Vinnytsya Oblast State Administration and Oblast Council are invited to the forum, supported by the U-LEAD with Europe programme.

The programme of the event includes an overview of the decentralisation reform from Oleh Levchenko, director of the Vinnytsya Local Government Development Centre, presentations of associations of local self-government bodies, acquaintance with the success stories of hromadas of the Vinnytsya Oblast, discussion of sectoral reforms’ directions and priorities for the development of territories in 2018.

The event will start on 24 January at 11 AM (34, Soborna street, conference hall of the “France” hotel, Vinnytsya).

23.01.2018 - 09:08 | Views: 12071
ANNOUNCEMENT! Forum “Session of AH club. Planning of activities for 2018” to be held on 24 January in Vinnytsya




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