Separately or part of large AH: residents of Perekhrestove are determining configuration of future amalgamated hromada

On Monday, 15 January, the advisers of the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion of Ukraine, made an awareness-raising and consulting visit to the village of Perekhrestove in the Zakharivtsi Rayon. The event was organised in order to provide methodological assistance on the procedure for voluntary amalgamation into the Perekhrestivska AH, taking into account financial and other capabilities. It should be noted that the Perekhrestove village council shared the initiative to establish an AH with its centre in Perekhrestove and invited the neighbouring Novozaritske and Onylove village councils to amalgamate. Besides, these village councils have recently received proposals to amalgamate into another Zakharivska AH with a centre in the urban-type settlement of Zakharivtsi, the rayon centre, that will cover most of the rayon, so local residents are now considering two options for a possible amalgamation.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


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