If we want to preserve state integrity, this stance should be compelling – expert on oblast councils and draft law No 7467

Establishment of inherently insolvent hromadas in the process of local self-government reform is irresponsible and the way to nowhere. Yet today such facts exist, and such mistakes are made by oblast councils. To prevent this in the future – oblast councils should be removed from the process of preparing and approving perspective plans for the formation of hromadas’ territories, noted the expert Yuriy Hanushchak, commenting on the need for adoption of draft law No 7467, registered in the Parliament by the group of deputies. The document contains the draft norm, which provides that the perspective plan for the formation of the territories of hromadas of the region is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine upon submission by the oblast state administration.

“It is easy to explain the reason for such a draft law. Oblast councils started their game. Their elite began to form hromadas in the interests of the town’s oligarchs, new landlords. It is impossible to prevent establishment of inherently insolvent hromadas. It is irresponsible. Though, it seems, some oblast councils do not care about it,” explained Yuriy Hanushchak.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

15.01.2018 - 16:35 | Views: 14691
If we want to preserve state integrity, this stance should be compelling – expert on oblast councils and draft law No 7467


law Yu.Hanushchak


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