Khoroshivska AH lays foundations for development

The Khoroshivska amalgamated hromada in the Zhytomyr Oblast received the new modern equipment for housing and communal services. A side-loading garbage truck and excavator-bulldozer with replaceable kinds of equipment were recently transferred to a communal enterprise.

“We were able to purchase this machinery with the support of the state. We invested UAH 1.5 million of infrastructure subvention to form the basis for the hromada development. The garbage truck will allow us to solve the problem with waste removal and the excavator should accelerate numerous repairs and, if necessary, clear roads from the snow,” shared Volodymyr Stolyarchuk, head of the Khoroshivska AH.

The vehicles replenished the fleet of the Khoroshiv housing and communal enterprise, and are already in use at full capacity.

The hromada covers a large part of the Khoroshiv Rayon, through which several transport lines of state and regional importance pass.

“Before amalgamation, we were actually engaged in patching the holes and repairing equipment. Today, new resources allow us to move from observation to active action. We have ambitious goals, and I am convinced that our team will cope with them,” says Anatoliy Polishchuk, director of the housing and communal enterprise.

It’s worth reminding that recently the Khoroshivska hromada has launched a new 6-kilometre street lighting network.

12.01.2018 - 16:31 | Views: 11818
Khoroshivska AH lays foundations for development

Attached images:


Житомирська область


Хорошівська територіальна громада


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