​​​​​​​Heads of AHs in Volyn Oblast established their own association

A platform to protect the interests of the amalgamated hromadas was established in the Volyn Oblast, informs the Volyn Local Government Development Centre.

Over twenty heads of amalgamated hromadas of the Volyn Oblast have decided to create a public organisation “Association of the Heads of the Volyn AHs”.

Volodymyr Kryzhuk, head of the Rivnenska AH, emphasised that the association should be an efficient body, and not a paper organisation. And Roman Yushchuk, head of the Lyubomlska AH, paid considerable attention to the legal issues of the functioning of the public organisation.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

05.01.2018 - 08:26 | Views: 9473
​​​​​​​Heads of AHs in Volyn Oblast established their own association



Волинська область



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