Programme of internal and external tourism development for 2018-2019 was adopted in Holobska AH

The Holobska AH in the Volyn Oblast is developing, sharing new ideas and working on the implementation of the Development Strategy adopted in 2016. Efficient use of natural and recreational resources is one of the key areas of the Development Strategy. The hromada is rich in diverse monuments of nature, history and culture, as well as national traditions.

At the initiative of the Holoby rural settlement council, in accordance with one of the directions of the Development Strategy, together with the Volyn Institute of Law, the Oblast youth public organisation, the Tourism Development Programme for 2018-2019 has been elaborated here. The programme takes into account the local peculiarities, as well as priorities of the Volyn Oblast in this direction.

The programme includes both the idea of maximum preservation of objects of historical and cultural heritage, as well as provision of services to tourists. It is important to prepare new tourist products based on existing hromada’s potential.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Волинська область


Голобська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Голобська територіальна громада


Ресурсний центр ГУРТ

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