Amalgamated hromadas create modern centres to provide most popular administrative services, - Vyacheslav Nehoda (+ infographics)

Already 79 amalgamated hromadas provide high-quality administrative services in a “one-window” format at Administrative Service Centres or in the format of administrator’s remote workplace, noted Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services.

"Provision of high-quality and modern services is the first thing the leaders of amalgamated hromadas are concerned about. The first contact of people with the authorities takes place in the local councils and administrative service centres. Therefore, the attitude of the residents to the hromada leadership and authorities of the country as a whole depends on the way these services will be organised and on how quickly and easily people will get them. And it is very good that many hromadas understand it and try to use the most effective and convenient forms of delivering quality services,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda, commenting on the expert data of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

According to the experts, the most popular administrative services in amalgamated hromadas include housing subsidies and state aid, issuance of passports, registration of the place of residence, as well as land and real estate registration.

The experts single out five key models of quality service delivery in hromadas:

  • ASC in the centre of hromada – separate buildings or premises of state institutions,
  • intermunicipal cooperation,
  • remote workplaces and territorial units of ASC,
  • travelling ASC administrator,
  • mobile ASC.

Each model can be effective and appropriate in the hromada, depending on the number of residents, structure of the population, hromada’s geographical location, etc.

More information on the Administrative Service Centres in amalgamated hromadas is available HERE


U-LEAD with Europe is a multi-donor action of the European Union and its member states Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden.

26 ASCs will be opened in Ukrainian amalgamated hromadas within the framework of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s support to local administrative service delivery improvement.

The best practices for creating and improving the delivery of administrative services that are tested and implemented in 26 pilot hromadas during the inception phase will be applied to all ASCs to be opened or modernised within the next phase of the Programme. That is at least 600 ASCs by the end of 2020

21.12.2017 - 14:01 | Views: 22772
Amalgamated hromadas create modern centres to provide most popular administrative services, - Vyacheslav Nehoda (+ infographics)

Attached images:


V.Nehoda Administrative services



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