Decentralisation gives hromadas opportunities, powers and development resources. The land is the main resource that should be managed by hromadas.
This idea was emphasised by Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, at the conference “Decentralisation, land management and development of hromadas”.
He also stressed that after the transfer of land resources oudside settlements to hromadas, the efficiency of its use will increase thrice. “This is not only an issue of tax revenues, but also a powerful development resource for hromadas that will gain independence in land management. It is also a tool for more qualitative and well-grounded planning of territories, and most importantly – an incentive for further amalgamation of hromadas,” said Zubko.
He also noted that there are several draft laws on transfer of land resources’ management to AHs. These are namely the government draft law No 7118 and draft law 7363 initiated by the President of Ukraine, both registered in the Parliament.
“Land issues still remain a component of corruption. We have to change this situation as soon as possible. Therefore, the law entitling hromadas to manage all their land must be adopted within the shortest possible time. Otherwise it will be difficult to talk about hromadas’ development and progress of decentralisation,” emphasised the government official.
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