Newly established hromadas of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast learnt to make estimates

The seminar for AH accountants was held at the Dnipropetrovsk Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion of Ukraine. The newly formed amalgamated hromadas learnt to draw up estimates with the participation of treasury and budget process professionals.

Amalgamated hromadas have to adopt their main financial document on 25 December the latest. Therefore, it is extremely important to take due account of all expert advice in the process of its preparation.

Tetyana Narovatkina, deputy head of the Oblast Department of the Treasury Service, told about the features of budget legislation, responsibilities of managers, preparation of payment orders and work with the Treasury Service.

Olena Zhemchuhova, specialist of the Oblast Department of Finance, explained to the hromada representatives how to prepare documents and fill in financial forms, and asked the accountants of newly established hromadas to apply for necessary help without any hesitations. She also drew the attention of the seminar participants to the fact that amalgamated hromadas have to send the draft estimate to the oblast administration the next day after its adoption.

“The budget process is one of the most responsible in hromadas’ development, because the quality of hromada’s main financial document will influence the efficiency of its work throughout the financial year, and define infrastructure facilities it will build. The best specialists of the oblast administrative structures provided AHs with all the necessary information, and I am convinced that they will be able to use it in their daily work,” said Olena Tertyshna, director of the Dnipropetrovsk Local Government Development Centre, who asked the AH representatives to decide on the issues they do not understand, and promised to provide any methodological help.

12.12.2017 - 10:56 | Views: 10818

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Дніпропетровська область


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