Announcement! Forum dedicated to hromadas’ cooperation to be held on 12 December

Interregional forum “Cooperation of hromadas: possibilities, challenges, technologies” will be held in Poltava on 12 December.

The forum will be attended by the heads of oblast, rayon, town councils, and AH representatives. 200 participants are expected to take part in the event, including Ukrainian and foreign experts in the field of local self-governance, representatives of international donor organisations and diplomatic corps, local self-government officials of AHs, officials of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, and people’s deputies.

The delegation of amalgamated hromadas of the Donetsk Oblast, that will visit the Poltava Oblast in the framework of a study tour supported by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, will participate in the forum as well

One of the main thematic panels of the event “Efficient tools of socio-economic development of AHs” is dedicated to the funds usage effectiveness and mechanisms of attracting resources to amalgamated hromadas. Tetyana Pautova, local finance expert of the Poltava Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, will cover this issue in her speech. Stanislav Dzhus, head of one of the best Ukrainian AH – the Hlobynska town AH, will share the practical success stories with the participants and guests of the event.

The topic of successful practical experience of hromadas of the Poltava Oblast in the implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On cooperation of hromadas” will run like a golden thread through the whole forum’s agenda. About 50% of all intermunicipal cooperation agreements in the country are registered exactly in the Poltava Oblast.

Registration starts at 9.00.

Event starts at 10.00.

Venue – Poltava Law Institute of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (5, Pershotravnevyi alley, Poltava).

Agenda is available HERE.


12.12.2017 - 07:07 | Views: 12251
Announcement! Forum dedicated to hromadas’ cooperation to be held on 12 December

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Полтавська область

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