Studying at Balta’s school of life

The Baltska amalgamated hromada currently includes 28 settlements. 17 local self-government bodies are established on their basis, including the town of Balta (town council) and 27 villages (16 village councils). The total number of hromada’s residents exceeds 33 thousand people. All settlements are provided with constant transport links with the administrative centre. 20 healthcare facilities, 26 educational institutions, 48 ​​cultural establishments and one physical training institution operate on the territory of hromada at the expense of its budget. Serhiy Mazur, the youngest mayor of Ukraine and head of the Baltska AH, willingly responded to the “Odesa Visti” questions.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Одеська область


Балтська міська об’єднана територіальна громада


«Одеські вісті»

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