Hennadii Zubko presented first mobile Administrative Service Centre in Ukraine

Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, presented the work of the first mobile ASC in Ukraine on 04 December, within the framework of the 2nd All-Ukrainian Forum of Amalgamated Hromadas “Life-Changing Initiatives”.

“The decentralisation reform is, first of all, human potential development. Approaching of services to the person and provision of high-quality services, particularly administrative ones, are an integral part of this development. Administrative service centres represent the authorities in hromadas. Therefore, ASC system development is a marker of the reform success,” said Hennadii Zubko.

The Vice Prime Minister noted that a route map for the establishment of an extensive network of ASCs throughout Ukraine with appropriate time availability is being currently developed. “This is our joint plan for the next three years with the international partners. It is in these centres that Ukrainians will have the opportunity to communicate with the authorities through transparent offices, avoiding appeals to officials,” Mr Zubko said.

U-LEAD with Europe programme together with the hromada have first time ever implemented a “mobile office” format of administrative service provision. From now on the ASC employees will regularly visit the residents of remote settlements: 5 routes covering 20 settlements are planned per week. Due to the mobile ASC, over 8,000 residents of remote settlements in the Slavutska hromada, including pensioners and people with disabilities, will get high-quality access to administrative services.

“I am grateful to our partners from the U-LEAD with Europe programme for reform support and comprehensive assistance in implementing the plans for the development of the ASC network in hromadas, in particular, for search and implementation of non-standard solutions, such as “ASC on wheels”,” said the official.

We would like to remind that within the framework of improvement of the quality of local services of the U-LEAD with Europe programme, 26 ASCs are planned to be opened in AHs of Ukraine. The best practices of establishment and improvement of the quality of administrative services’ provision in AHs, which are now being developed and implemented in 26 hromadas at the pilot phase, will be applied to all ASCs that will open or improve work within the next phase of the programme. This is about 600 Centres by the end of 2020.


The first mobile ASC in Ukraine is a special car, fully equipped for two administrators and three visitors, providing 80 single-window services directly in villages and rural settlements. Such a model has successfully proved itself in the European practices and is an absolute novelty for Ukraine.

Mobile Administrative Service Centre provides the most popular services for hromada residents, envisages the possibility of establishing passport equipment, and is equipped with a car payment terminals. The service fee will be paid to the hromada budget. “ASC on wheels” also includes the model of a “travelling administrator” providing services to citizens at home. The administrators who will work at the “ASC on wheels” have passed advanced training, specially developed for hromada residents by the Swedish-Ukrainian experts of the programme.

04.12.2017 - 10:55 | Views: 16387
Hennadii Zubko presented first mobile Administrative Service Centre in Ukraine


H.Zubko Administrative services 2AHforum


Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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