Impact of decentralisation on rights of children discussed in “Power of Hromadas” TV project

Amalgamated hromadas should take into account the interests of children for whom the state performs parental functions. Each hromada must create conditions so that there is no need to send a child to boarding institutions. At the same time, in some hromadas, boarding facilities are becoming a source of budget replenishment. Lyudmyla Volynets tells what to do in this situation in the tenth issue of the joint TV project of the Zaporizhzhya Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe programme and MinRegion, and Zaporizhzhya branch of the “Power of Hromadas” public broadcasting.

Lyudmyla Volynets is the head of the inter-faction deputy union “Protection of the rights of children – the priority of the state” in the Verkhovna Rada, co-chairman of the All-Ukrainian public organisation “Child Protection Service”, former director of the State Department for the Adoption and Protection of Chidren’s Rights, Deputy Minister for Family, Youth and Sports, head of the Office of the Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for Children's Rights, and author of a number of draft laws and amendments to the legal documents regulating the sphere of family placement of orphans and children deprived of parental care.



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