How not to fall into same trap and get money for project?

A two-day training on “International technical assistance for the development of viable and capable hromada models” was held in the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre. Training participants were representatives of the hromadas of the Kyiv and Chernihiv Oblasts.

Oleksandr Sofiy, hromadas’ development expert and head of the analytical programme of the NGO “European Dialogue”, and Oleksandr Voloshynskyi, national expert on strategic planning of the U-LEAD with Europe programme, were the trainers of the event, shared their practical experience and talked on how to get money for the project and not to fall into the same trap.

Oleksandr Voloshynskyi has already won over 300 projects with the largest one costing EUR 2 million. Amalgamated hromadas lack the skills of project writing and its correct structuring to be supported by the competition commission. “What have we faced in hromadas? They want money, they are willing to do a lot, but not so many people can write projects. Besides, the main thing is that often there is no understanding of its purpose and results” said Oleksandr Sofiy.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

30.11.2017 - 10:58 | Views: 14528
How not to fall into same trap and get money for project?

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Чернігівська область


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