The Bilozirska AH became the first amalgamated hromada in the Cherkasy Oblast to introduce the participatory (communal) budget project.
“In general, there were 19 projects competing, and three ideas of our active residents won,” said Olha Silenko, head of the financial department of the executive committee of the Bilozirya village council and head of the communal budget coordinating council. “Over 450 AH residents took part in the voting. In total up to UAH 150 thousand will be spent in 2018 to implement the projects of the winners.”
The following projects gained the victory: “Following the historical tracks of the native land” (development and arrangement of the tourist route, restoration of the Second World War dug-out shelter, installation of information banners, route signs and fencing around the centennial oak tree), “Safe children's recreation” (arrangement of the children’s recreation area on the village club territory to increase their comfort and safety), and “Restoration of the natural inclination of the road for safe travel” (with strengthening of the road surface).
In addition, the competition included projects envisaging the creation of a cycling centre near the Bilozirya Culture Club, parking lot near the school, purchase of tables for table tennis, installation of special containers to collect lithium batteries, and arrangement of a park area in Irdin rural settlement etc.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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