Newly established AHs in Odesa Oblast hold first sessions: elect secretaries, approve regulations

A constituent session of the Lymanska amalgamated hromada – the second AH established in the Tatarbunary rayon – took place on Thursday, 23 November.

According to the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe programme and MinRegion, the deputies from the Zarichne, Novoselytsya, Trapivka and Lyman villages gathered at the first session. The elected officials approved the regulations of the Lyman village council, elected the secretary of the village council, and approved the administrative structure. The newly elected head Vasyl Reznychenko also took an oath of office.

"The formation and approval of the 2018 budget are ahead, and for this purpose we all need to work efficiently with the deputies, and plan activities for the development of our villages,” said the head of the AH.

It is worth reminding that the first elections took place in 11 AHs of the Odesa Oblast on 29 October. Thus, there are currently 23 amalgamated hromadas in the region. The first sessions have already been successfully held in most of the newly formed hromadas, secretaries have been elected, councils work regulations have been approved, and active preparations for the December sessions, where the budgets will be approved, has started.

24.11.2017 - 14:26 | Views: 12606

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