Tsarychanska AH was welcoming guests from Chernihiv Oblast

The experience of the Tsarychanska amalgamated hromada of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast appeared to be interesting and useful for the AH heads from the Chernihiv Oblast.

Hennadii Sumskyi, head of the rural settlement, told about hromada’s achievements, projects already implemented and those in the process of implementation in the settlements of Tsarychanska AH. According to him, 42 projects were prepared by the hromada in 2017, and only 5 of them have not yet been implemented. Although the head of hromada has a strong belief in accomplishment of all planned projects.

“Tsarychanska hromada is successfully cooperating with international projects. Due to them and a powerful support of the oblast council, it is possible to do so many good things in the hromada,” noted Olena Tertyshna, Director of the Dnipropetrovsk Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the “U-LEAD with Europe” Programme. “The Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is aimed at decentralisation. This process is active and fruitful in our region. We are ready to share the experience of our hromadas with all Ukrainian AHs. We indeed have a lot to be proud of!” she stressed.

The Tsarychanska hromada supports its entrepreneurs, because they bring revenue to the budget, create jobs and develop infrastructure.

The hromada’s example is successfully followed by its young generation, who also started developing projects that have already won many national and international competitions.

Heads of AHs of the Chernihiv Oblast visited the Tsarychanka hub school and got acquainted with the work of local enterprises. According to the guests, such experience and successful practices represented by the Tsarychanska hromada – the winner of the "Good Neighborhood Fair" – will be useful for their hromadas as well.

17.11.2017 - 09:09 | Views: 12667

Attached images:


Дніпропетровська область


Царичанська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Царичанська територіальна громада


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