1+1 TV Channel Starts a New TV Project where Proactive Ukrainians will Develop their Communities  

1+1 TV Channel starts a new social reality show where the amalgamated territorial communities will compete for investments by the creation of projects to improve life in their territories.

The project was developed by 1+1 Production and it is implemented jointly with the DOBRE-USAID Programme supporting the development of amalgamated communities in Ukraine, as well as with the WNISEF fund.

"The decentralisation process picking up steam in this country offers great opportunities to improve the life of ordinary Ukrainians in small towns and villages. Unfortunately, so far, not everybody is aware of it. Our project is about how the new opportunities can be used in an efficient way. It will help people to understand that the decentralisation reform just does not mean the possibility to independently decide for which purposes the budget is to be spent, but also a crucial chance for proactive persons to improve the life in their country, city or village. We will try to send a message to each Ukrainian that the welfare of country begins with the pro-active attitude and the use of possibilities already available today", manager of genre specialism of image-building projects of 1+1 Production Alla Stashchenko says.

Five of the most enterprising Ukrainian communities that prove their ability to unlock the economic strength of their region will take part in the project. The community whose experience proves to be better than the experience of other ones will receive an investment tranche from the WNISEF fund.

The project will be aired on 1+1 TV Channel in 2018.





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