Re-loading of the system of land relations in Ukraine will be conducted in accordance to decentralization reform concept. The statement was made by the Vice-Prime Minister, the Minister of regional development, construction, and housing and communal services of Ukraine, Gennady Zubko during a press-conference, which took place in Kiev. According to Zubko, development of a new, European system of coordinates in the land management sector is a logical and timely step towards implementation of the most important reform in the country.
“Newly-built unified communities need to have resources for efficient development. Beside budget and tax incentives, the state grants land resources to these communities”, Gennady Zubko said.
According to Gennady Zubko, for successful reformation of land sector a new, effective and proactive team is required. For this end the State service for geodesy, cartography, and cadastre announced a contest for leading vacancies. “Broken pencils cannot write; people, who existed in the corrupted system of coordinates are not ready for the reform, both physically and mentally. We need a total renewal and rejuvenation. The example of the new police proves, that the task is fully realistic”, the official underlined.
According to Gennady Zubko, the last drop was the incident in Poltava oblast, where the newly-appointed head of the State service was caught taking a bribe: “Only a new management team is able to create the new land management system. Today, according to monitoring data, we have questions to more than a half of regional managers. We cannot correct and re-educate them; the guilty ones must be held liable, while unprofessional ones must be simply fired”.
“It has been decided to discharge twenty leaders of oblast departments of the Service: in the city of Kiev, Poltava, Sumy, Rivne, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kirovograd, Kiev, Odessa, Vinnytsia, and Khmelnytsky oblast”, he informed.
Gennady Zubko stressed, that Minregion, jointly with the Service had a reformation strategy for land relations in the country.
“The principles are very simple: delegation of authority to the local level, elimination of corruption, introduction of online administrative services, rational system of land turnover and control. All of them are already implemented in normal economies, we only need to take the best practices and implement them adequately”, Gennady Zubko added.
“Decentralization of land relations involves the delegation of the right for land management to communities; unified communities will get the land property rights. The State service will only control the usage of lands”, Gennady Zubko stressed.
According to the official, the roadmap of land sector reformation is ready, and it will be presented at the nearest meeting of the Government.
We should remind that the Minsitry of regional development, construction, and housing and communal services is the key subject in the area of decentralization reform implementation.
One of the recent examples of successful implementation of the reform was the delegation of authority from the State architectural and construction inspectorate to the local level.
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