On these local elections, the first 159 unified territorial communities will elect the leaders, who will really develop their territories, attract investments, and take the responsibility for community life. The statement was made by the Vice-Prime Minister, the Minister of regional development, construction, and housing and communal services of Ukraine, Gennady Zubko during the meeting of regional development council.
The official explained, that 74 territorial communities, where local elections were scheduled by oblast councils, were joined by 85 additional territorial communities, where elections would become possible thanks to the law, adopted by the Parliament.
“Formation of such a large number of unified territorial communities became possible, thanks to coordinated actions of the President of Ukraine, the Chairman of Verkhovna Rada, and the Government”, Gennady Zubko noted.
“These 159 unified communities decided to trust the authority, believe into the reform, and take the responsibility for creation of new opportunities for development of their territories. They are ready to ensure creation of new jobs, provide access to and adequate quality of public services available to the citizens”, he underlined.
“I am convinced, that these new unified territorial communities will become a real example of positive changes in reformation process”, Ukrainian Vice-Prime Minister added.
“The key objective of unification is to allow, first of all, village and settlement unified communities (not only city ones) to achieve the capacity of cities of oblast significance”, he said.
Vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine stressed, that the government granted maximal support to unified territorial communities, providing the necessary financial resources as well as organizational and methodical support.
“The next step involves meticulous work on development of drafts for typical documents, needed for functioning of unified territorial communities, modeling of their budgets and staff, and allowing to ensure availability and adequate quality of public services for citizens”, he noted.
“Only an effective system of local self-government at all levels, including delegation of a significant part of competencies and provision of territorial communities with sufficient financial resources, will make it possible to bring Ukraine to European standards in all spheres of life”, Gennady Zubko stressed.
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