12 December 2024

Ukrainians will be able to control the work of local authorities – a draft law

People’s deputies propose to define legal and organizational basics of implementation of the right of territorial community members for participation in public control of implementation of their rights. Public control will concern local self-government bodies and communal enterprises.

Respective proposals are included into the draft Law #2297a “On public control”.

The draft law provides that public control is the activity of public control subjects, particularly – of rightful members of the respective territorial community, local units of public associations and political parties, public self-organization bodies, and people’s deputies, on monitoring, checking, and evaluation of activity of:

  • Local self-government bodies;
  • Communal enterprises, institutions, organizations;
  • Educational, healthcare, cultural, social protection establishments;
  • Legal and physical persons, providing services to the respective community. The draft law also concerns legal and physical persons, that get budgetary resources, as well as those, whose activity influences the interests of territorial community members in terms of environment pollution, fire safety, sanitary and epidemiological situation, radioactivity conditions, and food safety.

Activity of above-mentioned bodies will be checked as to compliance with provisions of Ukrainian legislation and interests of a respective territorial community.

The procedure of public control should be exercised in the form of sociological and statistical research, public monitoring, expert examination and verification, reporting on the work of public control subjects, development and submission of proposals to local self-government bodies based on public control results, discussions of public control objects on public hearings.

The reports of public control subjects on the results of their work shall be presented to the public through their publication or public hearing.

According to the project’s initiators, the draft law will facilitate greater openness and transparency of activity of local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations.


10.07.2015 - 17:59 | Views: 8901
Ukrainians will be able to control the work of local authorities – a draft law



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