Here is a digest of competitions and grants for municipal and media NGOs.
1. German Marshall Fund’s “Relief, Resilience, Recovery” grant programme. Current projects.
Priorities of the competition. Urgent needs of public activists and media professionals, as well as their families, including but not limited to:
Who can participate? NGOs and independent media that are legally registered, located, relocated to and/or operate from Ukraine and neighbouring countries.
Grant amount: up to $25,000
Funding restrictions. Applications cannot cover food, construction/renovation or clothing costs. The share of expenses provided for in the budget to compensate the fees of members of the organisation’s team should not exceed 40%.
Project duration: 3-12 months.
Learn more:
2. Recovery and straightening of the capacities of NGOs: German Marshall Fund’s “Relief, Resilience, Recovery” grant programme
Priorities of the competition. Addressing the urgent needs of NGOs to enable them to operate and continue to provide assistance to their beneficiaries. Within this direction, the following types of activities are provided, including but not limited to:
Who can participate? NGOs and independent media that are legally registered, located, relocated to and/or operate from Ukraine and neighbouring countries.
Grant amount: up to $25,000.
Funding restrictions. Applications cannot cover food, construction/renovation or clothing costs. The share of expenses provided for in the budget to compensate the fees of members of the organisation’s team should not exceed 40%.
Project duration: 3-12 months.
Learn more:
3. Recovery and straightening of the capacities of NGOs in the liberated territories: German Marshall Fund’s “Relief, Resilience, Recovery” grant programme
Priorities of the competition. Addressing the urgent needs of NGOs to facilitate recovery of their operation and enable them to continue to provide support to their beneficiaries. Within this direction, the following types of activities are provided, including but not limited to:
Who can participate? NGOs and independent media that are legally registered, located, relocated to and/or operate from Ukraine and neighbouring countries.
Grant amount: up to $25,000.
Funding restrictions. Applications cannot cover food, construction/renovation or clothing costs. The share of expenses provided for in the budget to compensate the fees of members of the organisation’s team should not exceed 40%.
Project duration: 3-12 months.
Learn more:
4. Media support: German Marshall Fund’s “Relief, Resilience, Recovery” grant programme
Priorities of the competition. Supporting the key role of the media, namely informing their audiences. Within this direction, the following types of activities are provided, including but not limited to:
Who can participate? NGOs and independent media that are legally registered, located, relocated to and/or operate from Ukraine and neighbouring countries.
Grant amount: up to $25,000.
Funding restrictions. Applications cannot cover food, construction/renovation or clothing costs. The share of expenses provided for in the budget to compensate the fees of members of the organisation’s team should not exceed 40%.
Project duration: 3-12 months.
Learn more:
5. Support of educational projects, youth organisations and public initiatives for the recovery of Ukraine: German Marshall Fund’s “Relief, Resilience, Recovery” grant programme
Priorities of the competition. Supporting NGOs, including youth organisations, and recovery of their activities and support of their beneficiaries. Within this direction, the following types of activities are provided, including but not limited to:
Who can participate? NGOs and independent media that are legally registered, located, relocated to and/or operate from Ukraine and neighbouring countries.
Grant amount: up to $25,000.
Funding restrictions. Applications cannot cover food, construction/renovation or clothing costs. The share of expenses provided for in the budget to compensate the fees of members of the organisation’s team should not exceed 40%.
Project duration: 3-12 months.
Learn more:
6. Grant competition for NGOs working with IDPs and municipalities
Priorities of the competition:
Who can participate? Charitable organisations (non-profit associations, institutions, foundations, etc.), non-governmental associations (NGOs, public associations) and other legal entities registered in Ukraine and having the status of a non-profit organisation.
Grant amount: UAH 400,000 to UAH 800,000.
Funding restrictions. Procurement, transportation and distribution of humanitarian aid (including food and non-food goods, medicinal products, etc.) and aid to the military are not supported.
Application deadline: 23 March 2023 (23:59).
Project duration: up to 6 months
Learn more:
7. Programmes of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives
Priorities of the competition:
Who can participate?
Grant amount: CAD 30,000 to CAD 50,000
Application deadline: 30 April 2023 (23:59)
Project duration: until 28 February 2024
Learn more:
8. Support of civil society organisations in Ukraine
Priorities of the competition. Initiatives at local, regional and/or national levels that will ultimately strengthen the role of civil society in influencing state actors and authorities on issues related to human rights, equality, social inclusion, local governance and democratic participation. Projects under this lot should focus on issues of reducing inequality and challenges related to transparency, accountability and answerability of public actors and authorities, where the voices of diverse and vulnerable groups are taken into account in the democratic process.
Who can participate? Local active CSOs, newly created CSOs and grassroots CSOs.
Grant amount: up to £100,000.
Application deadline: 16 March 2023, 05:00 p.m. (Kyiv time).
Project duration: 3 to 10 months
Learn more:
9. Grant competition for organisational development
Priorities of the competition. Funds under this grant can be used to pay for the services of teachers, consultants, coaches or mentors. Services should be aimed at either strengthening basic organisational capacities or acquiring specific skills that allow CSOs to become more efficient, independent and viable.
Who can participate?
Grant amount:
Learn more:
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