Support in formulation and development of reconstruction projects – new opportunity from U-LEAD with Europe  

Ukrainian municipalities are facing major challenges because of a full-scale invasion of Russian Federation. As of June 2022, the needs of reconstruction amounted to $349 bn and continue growing. While the war is still ongoing, municipalities need to start preparing projects aiming at reconstruction of damaged/destroyed during the war communal infrastructure.

In response to these challenges, U-LEAD with Europe announces the call for participation in the comprehensive training program “Steps for Specialists. Planning and Programming’ aiming at supporting municipalities in the preparation of reconstruction projects (reconstruction projects are projects of major repair, reconstruction and replacement (i.e. construction) of physical objects and they may cover all types of project, classes of consequences, CC1-3, and capital repair, in accordance with DBN A.2.2-3:2014).

The programme will unfold in two stages:

  1. During MarchApril 2023 selected municipalities will receive training aiming at
  • Project idea formulation.
  • Engagement of public in project formulation process.
  1. During May-June 2023 selected municipalities will be supported in the preparation of a full project proposal.

During July-September 2023 U-LEAD will finance the preparation of technical and financial documentation for the selected projects.

The following municipalities are invited to apply:

  • with population below 50,000 (as of 01.01.2022);
  • directly affected by the ongoing war;
  • which have the need of reconstruction of communal infrastructure objects in one of the following sectors: education (preschool, primary and secondary); primary healthcare; local transport (e.g. roads and bridges); water supply and sewage; and waste management;
  • which can suggest a team of up to 3 specialists to participate in project preparation (the team may include representatives of structural units of the executive committee, specialised communal institutions/enterprises or NGOs);
  • which can provide suggested teams with access to the internet and respective hardware (computer with camera and microphone);
  • which are ready to involve neighbouring municipalities in project development, if this is necessary;
  • which are ready to organise public consultation on suggested reconstruction projects.

Please, kindly pay attention to:

  • training programmes will be held fully online; therefore, access to the internet and availability of technical equipment is completely crucial; U-LEAD will design the programme in the most flexible way, so municipalities can plan their participation given the complications with the electricity and internet access.
  • given the intensity and focus of the training programme, please, suggest the team of specialists which have previous experience in dealing with infrastructure projects.

The filled in application form must be submitted before 06th February 2023 at 18:00 to the e-mail: Please, find the template for application following the link.

The subject of the e-mail must include name of your municipality and oblast (e.g., “Bilokrynytska hromada_Volyn oblast).

The selection results will be announced after 27th of  February 2023.

In case of any questions, please, don’t hesitate to send them via e-mail: .

12.01.2023 - 15:28 | Views: 8301
Support in formulation and development of reconstruction projects – new opportunity from U-LEAD with Europe  

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repair study


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